بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dini ve İLmi ARAştırmalar Merkezi

Test A

 TEST A  Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences 
1. Grace keeps hoping the bird that she ---- in the pet store yesterday ---- her birthday present.
asees / will be
bwill see / was
csaw / will be
dsees / would be
ewas seen / would be
2. The author ---- quite annoyed when she ---- that the publisher was very dishonest.
awill be / will determine
bwas / determines
cwould be / will determine
dwas / determined
eis / is determining
3. He and his family ---- at our home in Canada when he ---- to a conference, and that was a great experience, too.
awere staying / come
bwill stay / came
cstayed / would come
dare staying / will come
estayed / came
4. She ---- for her pen when she discovered that she ---- it in her handbag all the time.
awas looking / had
bis looking / has
clooked / would have
dwas looking / will have
ewould look / would have
5. We ---- warm clothes on the field trip because it was cool outside but we ---- take any of the m out of the suitcase.
awere taking / won't have to
btook / didn't have to
cwill take / will have to
dare taking / don't have to
etook / will have to
6. She ---- very well but her sister cooked much better when i ---- her.
ais cooking / know
bwas cooking / know
ccooked / would know
dcooks / knew
ewill cook / will know
7. For a long time people ---- that the world was fiat and that people could fall off the edge.
aare thinking
bmay think
dare thought
ewill be thinking
8. The robber --- sure that no one ---- before he crept through the window.
awas making / will look
bmade / is looking
cmakes / looks
dwill make / is looking
emade / was looking
9. Many people in the energy industry ---- natural gas will play a bigger role in electricity production as the demand for electricity ---- in the future.
abelieve / increased
bwill believe / would increase
cbelieved / would increase
dbelieve / increases
ewould believe / increases
10. 8ecause anxiety often ---- more than one cause and is experienced in highly individual ways, its treatment usually ---- more than one type of therapy.
ahad / will require
bwill have / was requiring
chas / requires
dhad / will be requiring
ehas / had required