بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dini ve İLmi ARAştırmalar Merkezi


End Of The World

Nasreddin Hodja

The Hodja said to his friends:
“Bury me feet over, when I die.”
They asked the reason for this and he explained:
“They told me that at the end of the world everything will turn over and if you bury me so, I can easily stand up at that time.”


End Of The Stories

Nasreddin Hodja

2000 years after the Hodja died, a grave cleaner came running to the Akshehir Mosque one day and said:
“Today I saw the Hodja riding on his coffin and he told me to come here and call you all to his grave. Those who do not come will die very soon.”
Everyone ran to the grave but the Hodja was not there. Then as they turned back they saw that the Mosque had been destroyed...


Empty House

Nasreddin Hodja

One night the wife of the Hodja said:
“Effendi, I heard somebody walking on the roof. I am sure that it's a thief who wants to enter the house.”
But the Hodja didn't care about it.
“First let him find something to steal. If he finds it, it will be easier to take it from his hands.”

Eat My Fur Coat

Nasreddin Hodja

The Hodja was invited out to dinner. He went in his old clothes and nobody was interested in him. When he found a few minutes to spare, he rushed home and collected his fur coat.
When he came back, he was treated with great respect. Everybody wanted to speak to him.
When they sat down for dinner he said: “Eat, fur coat, eat!”
And he explained to the curious people:
“If this regard is for my coat, it must eat also.”