CD-5 Listening : Radio-News Practice
ANNOUNCER: Good evening, listeners. Here is the evening news. The post Office in Parkville has been receiving complaints about missing letters.
It appears that someone has been stealing mail. Over two hundred letters have been reported missing, but there may be many more. Many of these letters contained checks and even cash.
Several parcels have also been lost, some of which contained expensive items. Police are certain that letters and packages were taken by thieves. Here’s a report from Police Officer Diggins.
DIGGINS: Well, things are lost in the mail sometimes, but never this many. And never all from the same neigborhood.
ANNOUNCER: According to police reports, it seems that the thieves have been regularly beaking into the same mailbox each time, a big red mailbox on Elm Street. Mrs Bridges, who lives in that neigborhood, had this to say:
MRS BRIDGES: Well, I was about to mail a letter when I saw the mailman come to empty the box. I’ve been living here on Elm Street for ten years now, and I know all the people who deliver the mail. This was a new man who I’ve never seen before. And you know, I remember thinking that it was kind of strange that he didin’t have a hat
ANNOUNCER: Police haven’t found the thief yet, but they say they hope to catch him by the end of the week.
FELICITY: This is Felicity Campbell, and here in the studio with me is Mrs. Anne Bridges, the only person who has ever seen the mail thief. How are you, Anne?
ANNE: fine, thanks, Felicity.
FELICITY: Tell me, Anne. What did the thief look like?
ANNE: Well, he was quite tall, with dark red hair. I saw that quite well because he wasn’t wearing a hat. He was carrying a big blue bag, and he was filling it with mail and..
FELICITY: (Interrupting) Yes, yes, Anne, but what color were his eyes?
ANNE: Well, I didn’t really see his eyes. I could just see that he was very big and when he opened the mailbox..
FELICITY: (Interrupting) So he lokked very big and strong?
ANNE: Yes. He had to be. He had a lot af stolen packages to carry and..
FELICITY: And, Anne, was he handsome?
ANNE: Well, yes, I suppose so.
FELICITY: Thank you, Anne Bridges. This is Felicity Campell, and you have been listening to “Crime Watch.”
CD-5 Listening : Answering Machine- Emergency Practice
John, where are you? It’s Marry. I’ve been trying to call you all evening. Listen, John. There’s been an accident.We were crossing that bridge on Route 6, when this big truck came speeding towards us. It crossed over onto the wrong side of the road, and there was nowhere for us to go. It was awful! I’ve never been so scared in my life. An ambulance was called, and we were rushed to the emergency room at parket General Hospital. I’m OK, but Mike’s being kept in the hospital. Noting serious, he’s just hurt his leg. We’ve been wating to find out whether it’s broken. Please call me as soon as you get in. Bye.
Another accident has happened on the bridge on Route 6. This time it was a truck that ran into a car. One of the people in the car was hurt, but not seriously. He has been taken to the local hospital with a suspected broken leg. Police say that the accident happened because the truck driver was driving at a dangerous speed. He lost control and crossed onto the wrong side of the road. The passengers of the car were really very luckly that it wasn’t worse.
CD-5 Listening : Answering Machine- Friends Practice
Good morning, Sue. It’s Jo here. Have you become a Scottish citizen yet? And is that a Scottish accent you have there? We haven’t been in contact since March, and I miss your crazy jokes. Anyway, I heard you were homesick and I said to myself, “Enough of these long-distance calls.” I’ve decided to take this opportunity to visit you. I’ve been making plans for my overseas trip, and wiil let you know when I arrive in Edinburgh. Take care of yourself, and prepare for your new roommate. Bye!
Sue: Hi there, roommate! Where have you been all day?
Your friend Jo (if I heard the name correctly) left a message for you this morning. She thinks you have a Scottish accent. Don’t worry! To me you still sound American! She said that she misses you. She heard that you were homesick and so she’s planning to come for a visit. She said that she’s tired of talking to you only long distance. By the way, she said she misses your jokes. I expect to hear a few when I come home from work. See you then. Ilana.
CD-5 Listening : TV- Interview Practice
BOB: I’m Bob Johnson. I’m sorry you had to wait so long. Can I offer you some coffee?
KAREN: No, No, thank you.
BOB: Please, have a seat. Karen, I’ve read over your application, and I thought it was very good. I see you’ve had some experience working with advertising agencies. Is that right?
KAREN: Yes, it is. Actually, I’ve worked for three ad agencies. But Kenyon-Barnett is the most important. The other two were only temporary positions for about six months each.
BOB: So, tell me about it.
KAREN: Well, I’ve been in the advertising field for almost three years now. Last year I worked as a receptionist, then as a secretary. But this year I’ve done a lot more. I’ve been to planning meetings. I’ve written some copy for a new clint who has a small candy factory. And I’ve taken some classes in copywriting at Fordham University. I put all that in my resume. Have you received it yet?
BOB: I’m sorry. I’ve seen so many people today,it’s hard to keep everything straight.
JANE: Hi, Tina. What are you doing?
TINA: I was watching a TV show, but it’s over now.
JANE: Oh, was that the episode where the girl went for the job interview?
TINA: Yes. She applied to an advertising agency.
JANE: Did she get the job?
TINA: We don’t know yet. The interviewer thought her resume was very good, and she does have experience. She’s worked for three advertising agencies.
JANE: Yes, but wasn’t she a receptionist?
TINA: Yes, and then she was a secretary, but she’s also been to planning meetings and she’s written some copy, too.
JANE: Oh, I hope she gets the job.
CD-5 Listening : Answering Machine- Business Practice
Good evening. You have reached the accounting firm of Sherman and Wood. The office has been closed since 5 p.m. If you require an accountant to look over your income tax form, come by the office between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m, Tuesdays adn Thursdays.
Our specialist, who is qualified in tax law, will be happy to spend time with you. If you wish to speak to Mr. Sherman or Mrs. Wood themselves, please call back in the morning. Thank you for calling.